
AI or knowledge and relationship driven search - personal intermediaries on borrowed time?

Are we done for or is it just the latest fad? What this debate brings into focus, however, is whether Partner Search is a Science or an Art?

Embracing the latest AI technology when it comes to brokering law firm partner and team moves is a hot topic amongst us veteran search agents. Are we done for or is it just the latest fad, to be dispensed with and replaced with the next hot potato?

Of course we strive to constantly evolve and use whatever tools are at our disposal to deliver for our clients in what is, essentially a very focused war for talent at the top level. What this debate sharply brings into focus, however, is whether Partner Search is a Science or an Art.

If the former, machines can take over. A defined process with a set of inputs and hopefully the correct output….. Certainly comes in useful to add efficiencies to the dreaded interview scheduling/ diary management part of the process! But who is going to regale both sides with the war stories and win “hearts and minds”?

Logical lawyers like to give the impression that they make empirical, measured decisions. But my experience over 17 years of Partner Recruitment is that the heart and the gut plays a greater role in decision making (on both sides) than people would care to admit. Dead certs fall down and long shots often come home. Navigating the emotional side, I would suggest, is an Art, which requires Story Telling, Ego Management, Psychiatric Therapy, Business Plan Drafting guidance, Life Coaching, and Shuttle- Diplomacy all rolled into one at times.

It could be there is life in the old dogs yet, or maybe at least a stay of execution pending a full changing of the guard when the machines take over the asylum…..

For more information, or to arrange a strictly confidential discussion about the market please contact Jason at Jason.mann@redlawrecruitment.com

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