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Market Roundup: Spring 2020

The impact of COVID-19: there will be firms that will emerge stronger; those who can adapt quickly to an ever changing landscape

Business Services Market Update: May 2020

Although the Business Services market has slowed, many law firms are still pressing on with business critical hires in key areas

Spotlight: RedLaw interviews...Rachel Boyle, Bird & Bird LLP

"In these strange times, clear and concise communication from Leadership is central to alleviating nervousness throughout the business."

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“ When I think about RedLaw, the word that immediately enters my mind is ‘outstanding’. They really are that good...They genuinely are an extension of my team...the relationship is one of a true ‘trusted advisor’. ”

Head of Recruitment, National Firm

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“ RedLaw has always done an excellent job for us in supporting our recruitment programmes and have always been a pleasure to work with. ”

Partner, Specialist City Firm

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“ She provides insightful, honest and well thought out input. ”

Corporate Partner, UK Top 100 Firm