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How to ace competency based interview questions!

Most lawyers are good at answering technical questions and discussing deals. But competency based questions can often be unexpectedly difficult.

Spotlight: RedLaw interviews…Rob Powell, Head of Pro Bono & CSR, Weil, Gotshal & Manges

This month, RedLaw stole a few minutes with Rob Powell from Weil, Gotshal & Manges (London) LLP to discuss the world of Pro Bono & CSR

Top 5 tips for candidates moving from Australia and New Zealand to London

We've helped a number of lawyers in their moves. Here are our top 5 tips for relocating giving you all the crucial info you need to know.

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“ When I think about RedLaw, the word that immediately enters my mind is ‘outstanding’. They really are that good...They genuinely are an extension of my team...the relationship is one of a true ‘trusted advisor’. ”

Head of Recruitment, National Firm

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“ RedLaw has always done an excellent job for us in supporting our recruitment programmes and have always been a pleasure to work with. ”

Partner, Specialist City Firm

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“ She provides insightful, honest and well thought out input. ”

Corporate Partner, UK Top 100 Firm