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Mental health in a high performing culture: the changing face of law firms

To mark World Mental Health day, we look at the changing face of law firms in respect of supporting the well being of their employees.

Venturing into the unknown: taking the leap from law into recruitment

Before moving into recruitment I never knew I possessed passion, ambition, and enjoyment in the work place. As a lawyer, I turned up each day...

Three of the best tips to help you stand out from the crowd at interview

It’s a competitive game out there so whatever your experience level, it’s always helpful to have valuable insight and advice beforehand.

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“ When I think about RedLaw, the word that immediately enters my mind is ‘outstanding’. They really are that good...They genuinely are an extension of my team...the relationship is one of a true ‘trusted advisor’. ”

Head of Recruitment, National Firm

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“ RedLaw has always done an excellent job for us in supporting our recruitment programmes and have always been a pleasure to work with. ”

Partner, Specialist City Firm

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“ She provides insightful, honest and well thought out input. ”

Corporate Partner, UK Top 100 Firm